Charamelas and Royal Shawms: The Music of Portugal’s Trumpet and Kettledrum Corps.


Request from Dom João V’s (King John V) Secretary of State (Diogo Mendonça) for the procurement of trumpeters, kettledrummers, instruments, and ceremonial accessories.

Contract for the hiring of German Trumpeters and Kettledrummers for service in Lisbon, Portugal.

List of German musicians showing names, religion, instruments played, ability at solfège, and languages spoken.

Manifest of 13 shipping containers with trumpets, kettledrums, varying instruments, music, and ceremonial clothing and accessories. Box nº 5 contains 23 silver natural trumpets (the 24th trumpet was in Box nº 1, “fully prepared with cords and banner as a model for the others to be organized”) and 4 kettledrums.

Music examples demonstrating detail of articulation and dynamic markings. Nº 31, 32, 39, 40, 54

Digitized documents for this 2023 ITG Conference presentation are used courtesy of the Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, Nuno Augusto, MNC-DGPC, and Hickman Music Editions.